These are some recipes for your Free Range Turkey or Free Range goose. You can order your Christmas bird direct from us. All our breeds are chosen for their slow growth and large quantity of tasty breast meat.

Neven Maguire’s Family Friendly Free Range Chicken Curry
An easy and tasty chicken curry recipe which is great for leftovers.

Donal Skehan’s Leftover Turkey and Squash Thai Green Curry
For when you have had enough of turkey sambos!

Stuffed Roast Free Range Goose with Braised Red Cabbage and Smoked Bacon
Free-range geese are now in plentiful supply during the festive period, so if you’ve not tried goose before, give it a go.

Darina Allen’s Old-fashioned Roast Free Range Turkey with Fresh Herb Stuffing Recipe
This is a wonderful recipe from our friends at Ballymaloe cookery school

Rachel Allen’s St. Stephens Day Pie
This is one of our favourite free range turkey leftover recipes by Rachel Allen

People say such lovely things
Firstly may I say the Bronze Turkey was out of this world... I have recommended your company to all of my friends. I found you and your staff so friendly, helpful and courteous. I thought you were very professional and will definitely be buying from you again. As said earlier have a fantastic 2015 to you, family and business
Martin Smith, December 2014