Dog food with a difference. We sell our raw giblets by the kilo. Our free range giblets are ideal dog food. Contact us to make an enquiry or ring 086 8548574.

Our online shop is open from October - December

Free Range Chicken, Duck and Turkey. Free Range Eggs.
Dog food with a difference. We sell our raw giblets by the kilo. Our free range giblets are ideal dog food. Contact us to make an enquiry or ring 086 8548574.
The terms and conditions of our Facebook and Instagram Competition.
Enter now!
Our annual competition invites our social media followers to nominate an Irish Charity in order to win a fabulous East Ferry Farm free Range Turkey or Goose plus €200 for the charity they nominated. This year the winning charity was the Midleton Hub nominated by Louise O’Brien.
We have a number of partner butchers who are acting as a collection points for our delicious Free Range East Ferry birds for your Christmas dinner.
We were delighted to see Roz’s praise for our Turkey on her blog in January.
An easy and tasty chicken curry recipe which is great for leftovers.
For when you have had enough of turkey sambos!