We specialise in producing succulent free range turkeys for the Christmas market. Our birds are reared to the highest possible standards and are large and full of flavour. We rear slow maturing breeds and we are proud of the meat we produce.
Our Turkeys are brought in as day old and 5 weeks old commencing July right up to the end of September. We source our turkeys from Whitakers Hatcheries, Carrigaline, Cork (as generations before us). Bringing the turkeys in on various dates allows us to slow grow them to desirable and variable weight for the Christmas market.
All our hen (female) turkeys are reared under heat and constant supervision until 5 weeks of age, where they are then moved to a larger specialised turkey rearing unit with access to the outdoors during daylight hours up to the day of slaughter.
All turkeys are fed on the highest quality feeds made up of 80% cereal diets. Turkeys are also bedded in straw, which is replenished daily. Turkeys need entertainment and so have various games in the unit to play with! Shining cds and hanging bails from the ceiling, stacks of straw bales on the floor and light footballs are all placed in the unit for the turkeys to pick at and push around.

Our online shop is open from October - December